Beverly Materials L.L.C. and the mining industry, of which we are a part, are very heavily regulated to protect all aspects of the environment. Its serious business! and we treat it that way too! As a company and as the individuals that make up this company, our attitude is:“Hey, we live here too!”
So we want clean air, water and land and we make it a priority to protect these aspects of the rich life we enjoy here in Northern Illinois. To fail in this effort lowers the quality of life for all. We feel it’s honorable and responsible work, to manage the natural resources we are charged with. We are proud of our record of environmental stewardship and we encourage you to go to the governmental web sites that monitor us and research our records as they clearly will demonstrate our accomplishments and commitment to the world we live in.

Beverly Materials L.L.C. and the mining industry, of which we are a part, are very heavily regulated to protect all aspects of the environment. Its serious business! and we treat it that way too! As a company and as the individuals that make up this company, our attitude is:“Hey, we live here too!”
So we want clean air, water and land and we make it a priority to protect these aspects of the rich life we enjoy here in Northern Illinois. To fail in this effort lowers the quality of life for all. We feel it’s honorable and responsible work, to manage the natural resources we are charged with. We are proud of our record of environmental stewardship and we encourage you to go to the governmental web sites that monitor us and research our records as they clearly will demonstrate our accomplishments and commitment to the world we live in.
Besides, most of our employees have families and enjoy the outdoors with them when the work day is done, so we are a bit “fanatical” about working “clean and green”. Its “good business and good for business”.
Our employees and their families are often your neighbors! and they usually live nearby, either near our operation or by someone else’s operation. Why?…
Because mines are “everywhere”…. you just don’t always see them….because they are below natural ground level and behind that “nice grove of trees” along the road!
Why do we need all these mines?… well, besides the jobs it creates and the associated industries which it supports, the material for your house, street and your favorite shopping mall all come from a local mine operation. Why?… because it’s too expensive to haul it in from another far off place or another State.
In the pages that follow we’ll try to illustrate how we (as a company and industry) comply with all aspects of the “complex web” of multiple layers of regulation for the protection of the environment. Our industry is regulated by three primary levels and we are subject to inspection and enforcement activities at all times:
Local Level
Cities, Villages, Towns, Townships, Counties monitor:
- Hours or operation
- Traffic /Road Use
- Zoning
- Parking
- Buildings
- Landscaping
- Land improvements
- Reclamation
State Level
Illinois Department of Natural Resources,Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, Illinois Tollway Authority, Illinois Department of Transportation, Illinois Department of Agriculture monitor:
- Blasting activities
- Air, Water and Land pollution issues
- Endangered Species
- Historical Preservation
- Product Quality Assurance
- Truck scales & safety
- Soil & Water Conservation
- Flood Control
- Storm Water Management
Federal Level
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- U.S. Department of Agriculture
- U.S. Department or Labor (MSHA)
- U.S. Department or the Interior
- Federal Aviation Administration
- Federal Highway Administration
- and others depending on the situation, monitor some of the same things as the lower levels above depending on which level has jurisdiction.